ACTA issues

Topological reflexivity of spaces of analytic functions

Fernanda Botelho, James Jamison

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75:1-2(2009), 91-102

Abstract. We establish the topological reflexivity of several spaces of analytic functions for which characterizations of their respective isometry groups are available. Namely, we consider the following spaces of analytic functions: the Novinger--Oberlin spaces consisting of those functions on the disk with the property that $f'\in H_p$ and also the more general Kolaski spaces; the Ida--Mochizuki spaces consisting of functions on the disk such that $$\sup_{0 < r < 1}\int_{\rm T}\log{(1 + |f(r\xi )|})^p d\sigma(\xi )< \infty $$ (with $p \geq1$, ${\rm T}$ is the unit circle and $d\sigma $ denotes Lebesgue measure); the subspace of the Nevanlinna class in several variables, known as the Smirnov Class, consisting of holomorphic functions $f$ on $X$ ($X$ the unit ball or the polydisk in $C^n$) so that $$\sup_{0\leq r< 1} \int_{\partial X} \log ^+(|f(rz)|) d\sigma(z) =\int_{\partial X} \log ^+(|f(z)|) d\sigma(z) < \infty.$$

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 30D55; 30D05

Keyword(s): isometries, local surjective isometries, algebraically reflexive Banach spaces, topologically reflexive Banach spaces

Received December 18, 2007, and in revised form December 15, 2008. (Registered under 6062/2009.)