ACTA issues

On strong cyclic behavior of the adjoint of $\omega $-hyponormal operators

C. Benhida, B. El Wahbi, E. H. Zerouali

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 75:1-2(2009), 275-287

Abstract. We investigate the link of cyclic behavior between a bounded operator and its Generalized Aluthge transforms. As an application, we characterize $\omega $-hyponormal operators for which the adjoint is hypercyclic or supercylic in terms of analytic spectral spaces. This extends a recent result of N. Feldman, V. G. Miller and T. L. Miller given for hyponormal operators.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 47A10, 47A11, 47B20

Keyword(s): hypercyclic, supercyclic, \omega, -hyponormal, generalized Aluthge transforms

Received March 28, 2008, and in revised form September 17, 2008. (Registered under 6074/2009.)