ACTA issues

Compact weighted composition operators on Orlicz--Lorentz spaces

S. C. Arora, Gopal Datt

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 77:3-4(2011), 567-578

Abstract. The paper characterizes the continuity and compactness of the weighted composition operators $W_{(u,T)}$ on Orlicz--Lorentz spaces $L_{\varphi,w}$.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 47B38, 46E30

Keyword(s): distribution function, Lorentz space, Orlicz space, Orlicz--Lorentz space, compact operator, weighted composition operator

Received December 11, 2009, and in revised form March 25, 2011. (Registered under 6415/2009.)