ACTA issues

A monoidal interval of isotone clones on a finite chain

Andrei Krokhin, Benoit Larose

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 68:1-2(2002), 37-62

Abstract. Let $\underline k$ denote a $k$-element chain, $k \geq3$. Let $M$ denote the clone generated by all unary isotone operations on $\underline k$ and let $\mathop{\rm Pol} \leq $ denote the clone of all isotone operations on $\underline k$. We investigate the interval of clones $[M, \mathop{\rm Pol} \leq ]$. Among other results, we describe completely those clones which contain only join (or meet) homomorphisms, and describe the interval completely for $k \leq4$.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 08A40, 03B50

Keyword(s): clone, isotone operations, monoidal interval

Received October 11, 2000, and in revised form February 27, 2001. (Registered under 2827/2009.)