ACTA issues

On the holomorphic hull of generalized Reinhardt domains in spaces of continuous functions

László L. Stachó

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 79:1-2(2013), 79-85

Abstract. We introduce the concept of logarithmic convex hull for Reinhardt domains of continuous functions, and show that the holomorphic hull of a complete Reinhardt domain in ${\cal C}_0(\Omega )$ over a locally compact topological space contains the logarithmic convex hull in a natural manner.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 32D26; 32D10, 46E15

Keyword(s): continuous Reinhardt domain, log-convexity, holomorphic hull

Received August 1, 2012, and in revised form November 23, 2012. (Registered under 56/2012.)