ACTA issues

On the local time of the asymmetric Bernoulli walk

Endre Csáki, Antónia Földes, Pál Révész

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 74:1-2(2008), 349-379

Abstract. We study some properties of the local time of the asymmetric Bernoulli walk on the line. These properties are very similar to the corresponding ones of the simple symmetric random walks in higher ($d\geq3$) dimension, which we established in the recent years. The goal of this paper is to highlight these similarities.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 60G50; 60F15, 60J55

Keyword(s): transient random walk, local time, occupation time, strong theorems

Received September 21, 2007, and in revised form January 7, 2008. (Registered under 6020/2009.)