ACTA issues

The isometric equivalence problem on various Banach spaces

Sara Botelho-Andrade

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 82:1-2(2016), 193-204

Abstract. In this paper we solve the isometric equivalence problem for composition operators on Hardy spaces of the bi-disk, for generalized composition operators on the Bloch space and for elementary operators on the symmetric subspace of $\mathcal{B}(\mathcal{H})$.

DOI: 10.14232/actasm-014-044-0

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 47A06, 47B25, 47B33

Keyword(s): isometric equivalence, Hardy space, Bloch space, spaces of symmetric operators, composition operators, elementary operators

Received May 31, 2014, and in revised form October 20, 2014. (Registered under 44/2014.)