ACTA issues

Factorizations of Abelian groups involving simulated factors and one other factor

A. D. Sands

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 73:3-4(2007), 511-517

Abstract. It has been shown that in a factorization of an abelian group involving only simulated factors one factor must be periodic. This has been generalised in certain groups to allow one factor to satisfy weaker conditions but with stronger conditions on the simulated factors. In this paper we prove such results for all finite abelian groups and also remove the extra restriction on the simulated factors.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 20K01

Keyword(s): Factorization, Simulated, Abelian Group

Received November 27, 2006, and in revised form July 6, 2007. (Registered under 6449/2009.)