ACTA issues

Commutative actions

Pierre Antoine Grillet

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 73:1-2(2007), 91-112

Abstract. Under various finiteness conditions, sets on which a given commutative semigroup $S$ acts have subdirect decompositions whose factors are readily constructed in terms of $S$.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 20M20; 20M14.

Keyword(s): \pi, Key words and phrases:-regular semigroup, finitely generated commutative semigroup, Ponizovsky factor, act, bijective act, cancellative act, nilpotent act, elementary act, subelementary act, subdirect product

Received March 7, 2005, and in revised form October 1, 2006. (Registered under 5956/2009.)