ACTA issues

Lattices with unique complementation

Ivan Chajda, R. Padmanabhan

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 83:1-2(2017), 31-34

Abstract. We present two identities in two variables under which every lattice admitting a unary operation becomes a uniquely complemented distributive lattice. We show that the distributive law can be easily syntactically derived from these two identities.

DOI: 10.14232/actasm-016-514-2

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 06C15, 06D05

Keyword(s): lattice with complementation, uniquely complemented lattice, distributive lattice, free lattice

Received March 9, 2016, and in final form June 19, 2016. (Registered under 14/2016.)