ACTA issues

Preserving the reconstruction property of frames from frame coefficients with erasures

Damir Baki˘

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 84:1-2(2018), 309-321

Abstract. We discuss a new approach to the problem of recovering signal from frame coefficients with erasures. It is known that, under the assumption that the erasure set of indices for a given frame satisfies the minimal redundancy condition, there exists a synthesizing dual frame which enables us to perfectly reconstruct the original signal without recovering the lost coefficients. In this paper we describe further properties of such dual frames compensating for erasures.

DOI: 10.14232/actasm-017-837-2

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 42C15; 47A05

Keyword(s): frame, dual frame, erasure

Received December 28, 2017, and in revised form February 6, 2018. (Registered under 87/2017.)