ACTA issues

On the angular cutting for $p$-hyponormal operators

Muneo Cho, Masuo Itoh

Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 59:3-4(1994), 413-422

Abstract. In this paper we introduce the angular cutting for $p$-hyponormal operators on a Hilbert space and study spectral properties of a section $T_{\gamma }$ of a $p$-hyponormal operator $T$ cut by the arc $\gamma\subset $ {\bf T}$=\{z\in{\bf C}:|z|=1\}$.

AMS Subject Classification (1991): 47B20

Keyword(s): Hilbert space, $p$-hyponormal, angular cutting

Received September 14, 1993. (Registered under 5594/2009.)